Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Fall Favorite! Apple Pie Gum Review

FALL FAVORITE- Apple pie gum (from Extra- dessert delights) is a delicious alternative to the real thing, it is 5 calories per stick, flavorful, and (since it isn't ingested) works with a gluten free/raw food diet.
Taste- the taste (particularly at first!) is just like apple pie, although a tad artificial. After a few minutes the flavor fades significantly, but I could still sense the apple and cinnamon after over an hour. The apple and cinnamon flavor stays longer than the buttery, rich flavor. Still, its amazing how this tastes so much like apple pie- its like a candle for your mouth!
Texture- as the flavor fades, the texture becomes more tacky- but nothing too unusual for gum.
Overall- definitely one of my fall staples! I love fall and this just constantly makes me think of foliage, sweaters, thanksgiving, apple picking, and being cozy by the fire- but it follows my raw food diet and is low cal! LOVEEE. Enjoy
This is a simple, delicious salad that is perfect for any diet- specifically a raw food diet or a gluten free diet. You need a medium tomato, half a can of black beans, a half of an avocado, and mozzarella cheese (you cater the amount to your liking). Mix all the ingredients together, and voila, a delicious, fresh salad. The protein and healthy fats will keep you full for long after lunch or dinner. Enjoy!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Honey & Almond Dessert

This is a desert "recipe" that is catered toward a diet that is trying (or has to ) eliminate gluten/processed foods, but it is a delicious, healthy desert for anyone with a sweet tooth. Simply put a handful of almonds in a cup/bowl, and then add enough honey to coat each almond. It tastes nutty and sweet (obviously) but neither flavor is too strong. The protein in the almonds helps to keep you full, and can therefore stabilize unhealthy eating habits- plus the both ingredients are energizing, so this is a great way to start your day. Enjoy!

Raw Food Diet

I have recently (two days ago) begun a raw food diet, where basically I try to avoid processed foods and gluten/starchy carbohydrates. It hasn't been too hard yet, and I feel that it will become easier as I become more used to this diet. I have felt more energized, even though this new nutrition plan has only been in affect for a couple of days. Eliminating processed foods from your diet has countless benefits- more energy, weight-loss, a lower risk of certain diseases/disorders/health problems, it benefits your skin, can boost brain power, and establish an overall well-being. I look forward to trying to keep up this diet for as long as I can and will report back alternative recipes, snack ideas, and results. 

Green Tea Claim Number One- Faster Metabolism/Weight Loss

GREEN TEA. If you are interested in health, it is likely that you have come across green tea and the magical health claims oriented with it before. Even if you have not I am here to inform you of the actual benefits of green tea one at a time. This article address the metabolism boost that supposedly comes out of drinking green tea. About a year and a half ago, when I first started drinking green tea, I had just ended a diet but found that even as I ate more than usual my weight remained steady. Since it was winter and I was not doing any regular physical activity, this would be surprising- if not for green tea. Claim numero uno- GREEN TEA BOOSTS YOUR METABOLISM, therefore leading to WEIGHT LOSS. Personally, I think this is true- along with my own experience many studies have been conducted that have shown green tea can lead to weight loss- although I would not depend on green tea to loss weight. Drinking it can help keep you metabolism running healthily, and maybe even detoxing a little by doing so. The results all vary depending on your body type, diet, and physical activity level. In the end- green tea, for me and many of the "guinea pigs" of studies, can help to boost metabolism, and in the long run help you lose weight.

Bella La Vita Perfetta- Intro

"Bella La Bita Perfetta" is a blog addressing health, beauty, the relationships between the two, and fashion. There will be reviews, helpful tips, outfit ideas, and just little ways to live a beautiful, lovely life. Enjoy <3